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Terms & Conditions

At Sonny9, we value transparency and want all our users to understand the terms and conditions that govern our services. By accessing or using our website, you agree to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions. Our terms and conditions are designed to protect both you and us, and to ensure a positive experience for all users.

Here are some of the key points covered in our terms and conditions:

- Eligibility criteria for using our services- Description of our services and pricing- Our right to modify or discontinue our services- Warranties and disclaimers- Intellectual property rights- Limitation of liability- Dispute resolution- Contact informationFor more information on our terms and conditions, please refer to our dedicated page.

Please note that the information provided here is for general guidance only, and should not be considered legal advice. We recommend consulting with a legal professional to ensure that your terms and conditions comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

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